Originally posted by footlocker
1. The ref that goes looking for the coach. too many officials enjoy being combatitive - mnref14 (this is out of context too.)
2. The ref that avoids calling the T because they believe that this negatively reflects their skills.
3. The ref that works hard on game management and communication with the coaches but will not allow a coach to go over the line. This official will take care of business when needed.
Here's the problem: You're being just as one-sided in your post as mnref14 was in his post.
According to him, if you put the ball on the floor, you're a poor game manager.
According to you, if you say, "I didn't T a HS coach the entire year," you're not taking care of business.
Neither of you may like either of these situations but there's nothing wrong with either. Can good game managers put the ball on the floor? Sure they can. Can a poor game manager put the ball on the floor? Of course. But that doesn't mean that everyone who does it is guilty of poor game management. Can a good game manger call a T on a coach? Damn skippy he can. Can a good game manager avoid a T? Yes. But just because a person says, "I didn't T a HS coach the entire year," it doesn't mean that person doesn't qualify for category #3.
I'm done.