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Old Tue Mar 09, 2004, 06:05pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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footlocker, I’m sorry if you feel I am picking on you, but your post is bull$hit. Perhaps you should read the ENTIRE post, rather than taking one statement out of context.

I wasn't bragging about not having T'd a coach this year, nor am I an elitist. I simply correlated my stand based on two separate issues that mnref chose to group together.

He wrote, "I have never seen a game helped along by an official putting a ball down after a timeout. He also wrote, "I just think a lot of us are too quick to become adversarial with coaches, and it is just not necessary. If you find yourself T'ing coaches left and right, the problem may be you." In short, he said that officials who put the ball on the floor and who T up coaches are bad officials.

I, myself do place the ball on the floor from time to time. But I haven't T'ed a coach this year because I didn't have one who "crossed the line." So, where does that put me in mnref's hierarchy of officating?

I don't having a problem throwing a T when needed. But I don't usually brag about it when I do and I haven't previously disclosed that I didn't call one this year.

Next time, read the whole post and comprehend.


PS - After posting, I then went back and read what others posted. I'm glad to see my comments in the other thread were understood by everyone else. Thank you gentlemen.

[Edited by BktBallRef on Mar 9th, 2004 at 05:22 PM]
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