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Old Tue Mar 09, 2004, 04:40pm
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Adam Adam is offline
Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
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I have never T'd a coach. Of course, that probably says more about the fact that I've really only had about 2 "full" seasons in my roughly 7 years of officiating.
I do vividly recall one situation where I should have T'd a coach but never pulled the trigger.
I always listen to questions (assuming it's a question), but not to officiating from the bench. I ignore the coaches who ask for three seconds, traveling on a throw in, reaches and over the backs. I will answer a coach when he asks why I called his kid for traveling on a failed jump stop or if he asks where the contact was on a shot attempt.
Communication isn't just for our partners. I've noticed coaches are far more willing to stop officiating if I'm willing to give a quick explanation of a call.
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