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Old Tue Mar 09, 2004, 03:25pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Copy from eteamz...

copied from eteamzLooking through the rule book, I noticed something about the dropped 3rd strike rule that I wanted some umpires input on.

I don't have the rule in front of me, but basically the rule states that the runner is not out if the third strike is not caught by the catcher and:

1) Less than two outs and first base is unoccupied at the time of the pitch, or
2) Two outs and first base is occupied.

When looking at the two instances, if there are two outs and first base is unoccupied, then the batter is out. I always thought the rule was with two outs, the dropped third strike was always on.

Your opinions...
Here is just one example of where editing is required (or at least would help.)

All this needs to say is...

...when first base is unoccupied or when there are two outs.

It doesn't need the 1. and the 2. with the logical hole between them!
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