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Old Tue Mar 09, 2004, 03:11pm
footlocker footlocker is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
BTW, I didn't T a HS coach the entire year.
Is this bragging? Well, good for you fancy pants. I'm tired of this mentality. And I know that many more officials have made this sad statement. BktBallRef, I have read your posts and know that you provide insight and intelligence (so I’m sorry if you feel I am picking on you, but this is directed towards many).

This statement is elitist. Is this some way of saying that any official that Ts a coach has already let the game get out of control? Therefore, a technical foul on a coach is a direct reflection of the quality of the official? Come on.

“Hey guys, I haven’t called a travel all year! When I show up everybody knows not to try that with me.” It’s ridiculous. Referees that have this mentality or make it an objective to go the entire year without T’ing a coach often let themselves get abused because of this philosophy. Walking onto the floor knowing or believing that an official should not call a T on a coach because it is a reflection on him is not very bright. Why? Because when the coach earns it, the ref will be fighting giving it because it would go against his basic philosophy.

Coaches earn Ts. We have to be willing to give them out when the situation arises. I gave out two Ts this year. None last year. Was I a better official then? No. However, two times this year a coach crossed the line and I took care of business. End of story.
"referee the defense"
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