Thread: Phantom Travels
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Old Tue Mar 09, 2004, 08:35am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: Beating a dead horse

Originally posted by mplagrow
I mean this as a legit question. So how is it called in the NBA? I always hear about NBA guys getting away with too many steps. I was watching a game objectively the other night, just trying to focus on their footwork. Sure enough, the guard would stand with his back to the defender, pivot one way, wait and pivot the other. I guess my question is this. Traveling IS called (rarely) in the NBA. At what point do they say enough is enough? Does it have to be an a/d call on a drive to the hoop?
I think (those who care can go look it up) that the NBA allows a player to change pivot feet, as long as no distance is gained.

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