In order to qualify for tournament assignment in our state, an umpire must complete an open book exam (FEDERATION EXAM). The local association I am in meets before applications are due and we review the test together, discuss rules, look at alternatives, etc. The same umpires that want to argue and over-analyze the rules are the same ones that show up without going through the test before-hand. Their tests are blank and they are looking for the answers. Their rule books are not creased, dog-eared, etc. Looks like it just came out of the envelope.
And the worst thing about it is that these guys are the 15 and 20 year veterans who REFUSE TO CHANGE. ALWAYS COMPLAINING. Here's a quote, "10 years ago they told us to stand still when on the bases, then the said we should walk the line, now they're saying 'be in an athletic position'. 10 years ago we were right behind the catcher...5 years ago the put us in the slot, but square, now they say we should angle our feet and look at the outside corner...why can't they make up their minds." My response (at least in my mind), "Hey, you haven't changed in the 10 years I've known you, so why are you complaining?"
By the way, FU refers to my initials...always a crowd pleaser when your partner screams "F-U" when you arrive at a game site.