Originally posted by bobbrix
Yikes ... what the ??? Are you guys all english majors ?? Funny stuff !!!
Anyway, my rule book only uses the phrase " 3 foot line ", and the diagram of the playing field shows it as 30 feet.
The glossary does say it is half the distance of the baseline distance, but my charts show 60' as that maximum.
So, I always call it the " 30 foot running lane " as opposed to something line 'that space between the 1st base line and the 3 foot line'.
I'd say 95% of the coaches I meet don't know what that lines there for anyway.
As always, great responses all around ... this board's the greatest !!
Regards ... bobbrix
I could be wrong, but if I remember correctly, you are basically a Dixie or LL umpire. Just a guess, feel free to correct.
You obviously deal with youth ball only, but since you didn't specify such, well, you sort of left the gate open for the rest of use to have a little fun.