"The back step is an easier mechanic for inexperienced pitchers"
Ouch! Man, Tom, if I could reach you I'd put a fastball upside your noggin! Try justifying the above statement to all the men that have been pitching under ASA rules for nearly 70 years.
"One thing you need to remember is the scope and objectives of the two bodies are different."
Actually we can say that the scope and objectives of the same body for men and women are different. ASA wrote the rules for FP softball for Men, but then they changed the rule for female pitchers. I have asked this question many times on this and other boards, but nobody can provide an answer as to why. My guess is that it was a sexist thing; that they didn't believe that women could hit fast pitching so ASA restricted the women pitchers.
Fortunately, NFHS refused (and continues to refuse) to follow ASA on that issue. And many of the summer alphabet leagues also follow NFHS pitching rules.
Now I wonder, is ASA going to change itÂ’s MenÂ’s rules to match the ISF pitching rules (both feet must contact the pitching plate)? Is there not some controversy about menÂ’s ASA teams not wanting to play international tournaments because of issues like the pitching rules?