Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
I completely disagree. An umpire shouldn't even consider a case book until they are finished their first year of umpiring. I have seen too many attempt to use it as a short cut and that presents more questions than answers.
I completely disagree with your complete disagreement!
Actually, I don't
completely disagree, I just liked the sound of saying that! What I do say is that this is entirely individual. Some people need the specific examples of the case book to put the rules into context, to help them visualize the application, and to learn it. This is pretty close to the advice given in the Umpire Manual,
"To know the rules thoroughly requires constand and analytical study. It does not suffice to only read the rules. They must be studied so that mental pictures of plays and situations result." The case book can be a big help in putting the rules to work in real situations. My advice to a new umpire would be to read the rule book cover to cover. Then go back and study it thoroughly. Then, when you think you are ready, use the case book as a test. Cover the ruling of each case play, read the play, give your ruling (looking up the rules if you need to), and then uncover the ruling to read the official answer. Very effective learning technique, IMO.
As far as ASA's rulebook is concerned, it is one of the easiest to read and comprehend.
Damning with faint praise.
The order in which it is organized is sensible and relative to the game itself.
True, as evidenced by NFHS rewriting certain rules to, as they say, put it in a more sensible order, and what do you know - it is organized like ASA.
As far as any errors, it is written for people to read. Many of the people in this country would strain to comprehend many of the rules if presented in 100% error-free.
True, but that does not mean errors help. Also, but that does not excuse poor syntax that actually contributes to misunderstanding, or poor choice of words that must be explained extensively in POEs and still results in inconsistent understanding, etc. The ASA rule book could benefit greatly by being gone over by a good umpire who is also an English teacher. Do you know any?