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Old Tue Mar 02, 2004, 09:09am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by Bandit
Where, if at all, does the rule book say two fielders may not have possesion of the ball at the same time? Willing to know all associations but really interested in ASA ruling..... Bases loaded, 0 outs, ball hit to pitcher, pither runs into the plate and attempts to "hand" the ball to the catcher who is standing on the plate. Runner touches plate and as pitcher pulls her hand from the catchers glove the ballis still in her possesion. Please note: 10 & Under age group. What's the call?
Clarify - "...and as pitcher pulls her hand from the catchers glove the ball is still in the pitcher's possesion..."

Assuming that is what you meant, then the ruling I would make is the catcher never had control of the ball.

Tagging the plate is not like laying on of hands to pass along apostolic succession (sorry - too much publicity about "The Passion"...) The player who is tagging the base must have control of the ball. One of the tests of control is "voluntary release". This description would not pass that test for me ... it sounds like the pitcher retained control of the ball but merely put in in the catcher's glove for a moment. I'd rule the runner safe.
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