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Old Mon Mar 01, 2004, 12:37pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by jeffpea
1)Jurassic -- I am a former D1 assistant bball coach and can tell you from first-hand experience that officials make calls in the "gray" areas of the game all the time. "That was a bad offensive move; I won't bail him out" OR "not enough contact now" is what I heard often in games that were all but decided by the score/time.

2) Although it was a close game there were several players (from both teams)on the floor that had 4 fouls. My two partners made sure that the entire crew knew who had four fouls. We weren't going to stick a player w/ a 5th foul that was "weak". I had a situation where two players from Team B (who both had 4 fouls) fouled A5 in the act of shooting. I blew the whistle and got to choose which player to report.......I choose the player who I deemed to be the "weaker" player (leaving the better player on the floor). Although slightly a different situation than we've been discussing earlier, is that "shading"? Did I hurt the integrity of the game? Both of my partners said they would do the same thing. I know that if I were a player or coach on Team B, that's how I would want an official to handle it (Team A would feel the same way if it happened to them).

In the interest of full disclosure, Team A lost the lead and the game during the last 2 minutes. I certainly didn't affect the missed 3pt. shot and 2 missed rebound attempts by Team A to tie the game.............

1)What you are talking about in #1 above has absolutely nothing to do with giving calls to one team over another.

2)Yes,I most certainly do think that your "shading" in this situation hurt the integrity of the game. I'm also sure that everybody on Team B would agree with what you did though. Why wouldn't they? You just bailed them out, and left the stronger player on the floor for them. Now you tell me why you won't "bail" a player out in one instance, but you then advocate "bailing" a player out in a different instance? Btw, aren't there two teams on the floor? Do you really think that Team A is gonna be that pleased with you for deciding to leave the better of Team B's players out on the floor? I'll tell you what I really think, Jeff, even though I know that you don't agree with it. Quit playing God out there, and just call what happens. And please don't try to justify your stance by saying that "good" officials do it your way. You can't prove that statement, and never will be able to. What you are giving is your opinion, which is exactly the same as what I am doing also. My opinion is that, if the Team B player did anything at all to help his team out after you decided that he could stay in the game, then you sure as heck did contribute to Team A losing that game.
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