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Old Mon Mar 01, 2004, 11:52am
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Originally posted by jeffpea
What I am advocating is to shade the calls in favor of the team (which is losing by a significant amount) in situations where the call COULD GO EITHER WAY. I would not "make up" calls that favor the losing team that do not exist.
As Mick has pointed out, there aren't that many calls that "could go either way," meaning close calls where you don't have a good enough view of what happened but you have to call something. In extreme mis-matches, where one team is not really contesting things equally with another, these calls are usually fewer and farther between - it's the fast paced, intensely contested games that result in these close, hard-to-see calls. There are a lot of calls that are close, but you can see what happened if you are in position to make the call. This would include the strip of the ball that then bounces of the knee of the offensive player and OOB, the block/charge, etc.

If you consider these just to be close calls where you can choose to call it in favor of the losing team, many of us disagree with that approach. This is not what "good officials" do in my book. If you are talking about a reobund that is contested and you honestly don't see who touched it ;ast (as oposed to you thinking that the crowd/coaches cant see who touched it last), go ahead and give it to the trailer. But taking close calls and turning them for the losing team is not your place.
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