...how would it change?
Here is the situation, on the field, around the country. (I think these are all facts, but maybe not...)[list=A][*] The illegal foot mechanics rules (crow hop, leap, outside 24") are not uniformly enforced[*] Many umpires just plain don't make the call[*] The different levels call it differently (greatest enforcement at 12U or so, least at NCAA)[*] There is natural tendancy of people to copy the "big boys" (or girls), and hence the lower level pitchers try to copy the Team USA or college pitchers, the lower level umpires seem also to move in the direction of emulating the NCAA or international blues.[*] The crow hop rule, for one thing, is just a bit intimidating for an umpire to enforce, due to its complexity, and the lack of up front, frank training. There are no POEs or Case Plays dealing with the margins of this rule, for example.[/list=A]
The totality of this is bad for the game; bad for the integrity of the umpires; bad for the confidence of the coaches; bad all around, IMO
So, if you could change the rule, what would it say?