Originally posted by blindzebra
Was it not a point of emphasis last year to include self promoting or playing to the crowd as taunting.
It was this year's rulebook. Here's the POE:
A. Taunting/Self-Promotion: Players are increasingly directing their celebratory actions toward opponents, which should be interpreted as taunting and baiting, and penalized accordingly. Further, the committee is concerned with the trend toward players "playing to the crowd," attempting to increase attention and praise for their own individual accomplishments rather than toward the game itself and team achievements. While many of these actions are not specifically illegal by rule, extreme behaviors could and should be considered taunting and baiting of the opponents. Officials should remind captains and coaches at the pre-game conference that all actions and reactions should demonstrate appropriate sporting behavior.
I guess the question here is whether waving the arms or raising the roof are "extreme behaviors". Tough call.
BTW, the underlining is mine. It's not emphasized in the rulebook.