Originally posted by Dakota
My 16 yo daughter has expressed a desire to umpire.
I am thinking I would be the BU, since she needs to primarily get comfortable behind the plate (single ump games).
I am thinking I would only call the first game with her, but sit in the stands and let her go single "man" in the second (league double headers) so she can get some single ump mechanics in before she's purely on her own.
I'd give her the first game on the plate. She'll be trained to work it, excited to work it, and she will not be fatigued. She can rest next game on the bases while she watches and makes mental correction and notes from watching you work. She will only need to be concerned with the ball and the strike zone and you can keep tab on stuff that may happen.
How should I deal with the coaches? Here is what I am thinking.
a) She must be in charge of the plate meeting with me as BU.
b) I'll explain to the coaches that I am there as an umpire trainer (have to explain 2 umps), but I won't tell them she is my daughter (some will probably know, since she's been a travel ball player since 10U...) As part of that, I will explain to the coaches they must talk with her for any issues with her calls; I will not overrule nor will I be their go-between. And, I'll explain that I'll be on the field for the first game only.
The coaches do not need to know that this is her first game.
You told her how to run the plate meeting and you will be there for any tough questions. If you need to tell the coaches that you are there in a training capacity,... fine, but I wouldn't touch it. She will know, like any game, if she needs help she can go to her partner.
If you need to explain your presence, or relationship, then most certainly be as generic as necessary (eg, evaluating a newer ump).
Have a ball!
