Thread: LBR (Again!)
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Old Mon Feb 23, 2004, 01:42pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Yes, this rule is different from the "normal" LBR conventions. In my view, the reason it is different is because the baserunning rules for the BR acquiring 1st base are different from any other runner at any other base.

The direction the BR moves after acquiring 1st does make a difference, LBR or no LBR.

If the BR rounds 1st, the runner is now liable to being tagged out.

If the BR runs through 1st, she is not. But, she can re-establish her liability by making an attempt at 2nd, feigned or real.

Mapping the LBR notion of committing to a base onto this is the reason we have all those IF-THEN subrules to deal the BR and LBR (IMO). They did not keep the "one stop" part of the LBR, but they did keep the "committed to" part.

(Inside comment/joke to WMB - see, I did that without mentioning advanced age!)
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