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Old Sat Feb 21, 2004, 01:01pm
Brad Brad is offline
Whack! Get Out!!!
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Johnson City, TN
Posts: 1,029
I think that we are pretty even handed when it comes to not allowing personal attacks. Keep in mind, as officials we are yelled at and berated all the time, so those that do so here simply aren't going to be given a lot of leeway. I think that we deserve a place to call our own without being constantly hasseled by the same ignoramuses that yell at us during games.

The comment regarding me not having a journalism degree is a non sequitur. I do not need a journalism degree nor any experience as a writer to point out that he got a fact wrong.

As officials we read articles all the time that make no sense -- you have referenced two yourself on this thread. The first I've already addressed and the second makes a statement regarding the ball entering the basket before the light/horn goes off. As officials we all know that this is not the rule, thus the credibility of the writer goes out the window.

So, when someone comes along who has not demonstrated any knowledge of the subject and simply remarks, "the PAC-10 has more bad or missed calls than any other conference" it just doens't pass muster.
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