Thread: 7th/10th foul
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Old Fri Feb 20, 2004, 02:11am
jeffpea jeffpea is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 547
DJ - Part of being a good official is game management and knowing the situations. You've go to know when a team should be shooting 1-and-1; when it's the double bonus; how many time-outs are left, etc.

Here's a tip that Tom O'Neill, arguably one of the top D1 officials in the country, gave me: during your pre-game duties as R at the scorer's table, tell the official scorer to NEVER let you or your partners leave the table after reporting foul #6 without telling you that the next foul will be 7. That way you can communicate to your partners before you even put the ball back in play.........
Jeff Pearson
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