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Old Wed Feb 18, 2004, 10:15pm
cmathews cmathews is offline
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Re: Wow lots of feedback and a Question

Originally posted by BBallCoach
Wow I can't believe all the zebras that are nice enough to give me their positive feedback of my post. While I appreciate your tactful comments I do still have one question. How is it not possible that someone that is human like you all say officials are, would not or could not be influenced by a coach. This is one that still no one can explain to me.
Hey Bball coach, is your arm ok?? You know from patting yourself on the back?? Your name is a disservice to serious coaches everywhere and especially on this board. If indeed you do have the privelige of being in a coaching position, you are what we commonly refer to as a Howler Monkey...nothing more nothing less...Most officials on this board give Howler Monkeys what they deserve, a casual glance from outside the cage in the zoo, but we don't really let them affect us....
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