It would be nice to have a procedural change for bench personal to be allowed to put a 7 on the score board after the 6th foul has been addressed and a 10 on the score board after the 9th foul has been addressed so when we as officials look up at the score board we don't have to look up and see a 6 or 9 and wonder if this is the foul that just occured posted up there or the previous foul. For our purposes the only one's that really matter are the 7th and the 10th. The other fouls are a mute point. Last night the bench did not tell us it was the 10th nor was it posted and so we administered a one and one and then ended up having a correctable error which is no big deal but it would be nice to look at the clock and see the numbers up there that are significant. Many times when I see a 6 or nine I question if it is the 7th or the 10th but when I see a 7 or a 10 on the board I know exactly what my next move should be. I think this procedural change would not have any affect on the game other than to make our job a little easier.
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