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Old Tue Feb 17, 2004, 07:42am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Are there bad refs out there? Of course there are.

Are there bad coaches? You bet.

My experience is that in general, though not always, they go together.

So if someone thinks the refs are lousy, they'd better look to their own coach and players. If someone thinks the coaches are crummy, they should examine their own calls and mechanics.

Example, I am a varsity official this year, and I got a pretty good schedule. I've had a lot of fun, interesting games, and not much trouble with coaches. But this weekend I did a friend a favor and picked up a couple of Jr Hi games on Sunday afternoon. It was simply a nightmare. The coaches were loud and obnoxious, and they didn't know rules or mechanics. The parents were vile. My partner and I did a pretty good job overall, but on the drive home, I had to stop and ask myself a few questions. I saw some things I could have done differently that might have calmed things down a little, might have given the coaches a little more confidence in me. I'm not saying it was all my fault. I've had a lot of trouble in this league in the past, and in general I avoid it. But there were some techniques I didnt try in talking to the coaches, and managing the game in general, that might have helped a little.

The secret here is to acknowledge my own weaknesses and shortcomings. BBallCoach, I suggest that if you are getting lousy refs over and over again, game after game after game, you examine your own coaching and figure out how to move up to a higher level where the refs are more skilled and more experienced.
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