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Old Tue Feb 17, 2004, 03:08am
SMEngmann SMEngmann is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 423
The whole discussion about injustice is ridiculous in my mind. If an official makes a bad call, is it a bad call, or is it an injustice. An injustice requires a remedy, a "bad call" is part of the game. As officials, we cannot try to correct bad calls, or perceived injustices because doing so only results in more bad calls. Nothing worse, in my opinion than the phantom travel call right after the controversial call that went the other way. Officials who do this show no respect to the game, or their partner, especially if their partner made the first controversial call.

As for the psychological part of "working the refs" I've reviewed my game to see how a coach's comments about not getting the calls affected me, and I've concluded that they have no effect. I am too focused on a specific play to think about how the calls have gone to this point. A foul is a foul, a violation is a violation no matter who commits it. That's one reason why I can't understand guys who try to "make the 5th foul a good one" because doing so forces you to change standards midstream, something that I cannot do and still officiate effectively. If a coach is screaming at me about whatever, it goes in one ear and out the other, unless it gets personal or it otherwise meets the standards of a T.
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