Thread: Kick plays
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Old Tue Feb 17, 2004, 12:16am
Matt-MI Matt-MI is offline
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Posts: 116
I'll give it a shot. I don't have my books and it's the end of a long day(sounds like a normal game situation).

1) PSK - Assess B's penalty from B-35 1/10 B@B-25.

2) The penalty has occured after the kick has ended. Assess the penalty from the spot of the foul. 1/10 B@B-35.

3) Doesn't say say where B32's BBW was. If beyond NZ it will be a PSK enforcement. If the spot is the B-19 it will be 1/10 [email protected]

4) B can decline A's penalty and take the ball @ B17 after assessment of the holding penalty or accept A's penalty to have offsetting penalties. Team A would then rekick from A-40.

5) Again we have no idea where the kick ended. B's penalty will be enforced from PSK spot. The facemask came after the change of possession and at the end of the run. Assess facemask as PF(tackled by the facemask). This would be added on after assessing B's penalty.
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