Originally posted by Snaqwells
The thing with advantage/disadvantage is that it doesn't just include the result of the play (completed pass), but also includes the positioning of the players. If A1 gets tripped by B1 while making a pass to a wide open A2, and A1 hits the floor, I've got a foul. However, if B1 just slaps his arm and the pass gets through *and* A1 is not displaced or put at any other disadvantage; there is no foul.
I've seen plenty of players get bumped with the lower body
getting past the defender that will lay out to get the pass off,so I'm not sure you can say that that contact put them at a disadvantage if they dove past the contact and hit the floor.
Now if you are talking about an intentional raising of the foot to trip the player,I can see an intentional or flagrant foul in that case.