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Old Mon Feb 16, 2004, 01:41am
One-Whistle One-Whistle is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 102

Great Attitude! Charge forward.

One of those primitive, but essential officiating skills is

EYE CONTACT with your partner EVERY time before you administer the ball for an inbound play.

I will slip in a minor addition to this and include ALWAYS glance at the table before administering the ball for an inbound play (and occasionally during play). It is an easy way to make the coaches feel that you are "on top of your game." If you are consistently missing substitutes during dead balls it will cause grief in MANY areas. Yes, the table should blast the horn to alert you, but you should know well before the horn is sounded.

"Whistle While You Work!"
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