Sun Feb 15, 2004, 03:20pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 9,466
Originally posted by OverAndBack
Bob Denver is not dead (he just turned 69 years old last month, if you can believe that), but some of the other castaways are. Jim Backus (Mr. Howell) is dead (1989). Alan Hale (the Skipper) is dead (1990). Natalie Schafer (Mrs. Howell) is dead (1991). Tina Louise just turned 70 last Wednesday. Russell Johnson (the Professor) will be 80 in November, if you can believe that. And the last time I saw Dawn Wells (Mary Ann), who is 65 years old, she looked great.
This is way, way too much information. You need to get a life!