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Old Sat Feb 14, 2004, 09:41am
nine01c nine01c is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 406
You are well on your way to becoming an excellent Lead official because you already KNOW what you need to work on. For some, it takes several years before they realize they are ballwatchers. One suggestion: Go to a few games (high school would be good) and as a spectator, focus on play in the lane. Watch jockying for rebounds, and actual rebounding, shooting, and "boxing-out" (AKA pushing). Notice how players keep their arms STRAIGHT UP, but then do a sneaky bump with the hips, for example. Later, in your own games, you will notice much of the same action and be prepared to call it. Good luck. By the way, these fouls are EASY to spot when you are a spectator.
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