I'll spend about 230 in registration & association dues and another 35 or so for rules-related items (getting the books bound, Bennett's rules differences book, ...). 2 new hats and 1 new shirt per year for each group that has their own emblem & a couple of plain ones for a total of 10 hats and 4 shirts. I'll replace a pair of gray & navy pants each year so that I stay at 4 good pair of each. Add another few bucks for the pre-season dry cleaners - I take all my pants & have them pressed before the season. I end up getting 8 or more colored t-shirts. And I like to have 2 pair of good base shoes & 2 pair of good plate shoes, so I've got to get base shoes this year but am OK with plate shoes. Idon't remember the totals from past years and will know last year's totals in a couple of weeks when I do my taxes - but I'll say that I'm in the 600+ range per year.
Steve M