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Old Thu Feb 12, 2004, 08:32am
Roger Greene Roger Greene is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 517
Originally posted by DG
Judgement! Did the ball hit bat first or hand first? If hand it's a dead ball. If bat, it is fair or foul depending on where the ball goes. If can not determine which came first, but I hear metal, then I assume it hit the bat first.
If it hit the bat, and then the batter's hand, we have a foul ball, to wit; a batted ball that hit the batter's person in the batter's box, regardless of if the ball ends up in foul or fair territory.

The only question is if it is a foul ball as above, or a dead ball strike. Unless it is strike 3, it doesn't matter which.

Roger Greene
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