Since this thread has morphed into a laundry discussion...
OK, I admit, I don't "quite" get around to promptly laundering my hats right after I get home. I tend to collect 2 or 3 changes of uniforms before I launder them. So, my hats do start to gather faint stains after a year or 2 that never become TOO obvious, but I notice them, so I don't wear those hats anymore for tournament use.
But, I haven't figured out a way to keep the blue from bleeding over onto the white letters. And that happens with the first wash. I've tried color-fast detergent, cold water, whatever - the letters always pick up a blue tint.
Once the hat has been washed a few times, and blue dye is no longer further tinting the letters, I wash them in the dishwasher. The DW detergent seems to do a better job with stains, and the "no touch" washing seems to be easier on the hats.