It's becoming a joke. I had an 8th grade Travel game yesterday. Team A is up by 28 points with 3:30 to go. I know the coach of Team A from Baseball. I walk over to him during a Timeout and say - Coach you are up by almost 30, How about giving them a break and take off YOUR FULL COURT PRESS. He refuses, telling me that other teams do it to them. I say "You know 2 wrongs don't make a right". He tells me no way. To add more salt to Team B wounds, 30 seconds later, he puts all his STARTERS back in the game.
Needless to say, they win by over 40. My partner and I did everything to control the anger that Team B and their Fans were displaying. If team A breathed heavy on a team B player, we called it a foul. The team A coach still didn't get it. After the game ends (we approve score and leave the court), I heard that team B refused to shake hands (Can you really blame them). Team A coach then started yelling at The Team B coach for not shaking hands. He says team B are being bad sports (can you believe this guy). Then some Parent from Team B runs up to me and start screaming about how his som was pushed after the game by a team A player. I told him our jurisdiction is over after we aprrove the score and leave the confines of the court. He says well then I'll hit the kid if he lays another hand on my son. I said if you're willing to lose your house, go for it.
This is about the 3rd time this year that I have had a blowout (30 points or more in the last few minutes of a game) where I had to approach a coach and ask them have some compassion and please stop pressing. The other 2 obliged). This is a real bad trend. I've also had more T's for profanity and unsporting acts then I've ever seen before.
Anyone else out there noticing this ??? I'm sure this isn't a local thing!!!
It is very frustating as
1) an official
2) a Human Being !!!!!