Thread: Bleachers
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Old Sun Feb 08, 2004, 06:20pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by firedoc
The concept of using artificial noisemakers really applies to players, coaches, etc. It is very difficult (and perhaps fruitless to attempt to control that type of behavior by the fans. My gut tells me to just play on. If it becomes so onerous (such as if it becomes impossible to hear the whistle) then game management needs to deal with the situation. According to the rules, a T can be charged to the home team which is responsible for the behavior of the fans, but this is rarely an action that should be taken. Generally it just makes the situation more volatile and encourages more problems with the crowd. [
The usage of articial noisemakers mainly applies to a team's supporters, not the players coaches,etc. You do NOT automatically charge a T to the home team. The home game management is responsible for the behavior of the fans, and is supposed to deal with the situation. But if a T must be called though, it is charged to the team's supporters that are still using the noisemakers after being warned not to. I really don't think that it would be very smart to warn the visiting fans, and then T up the home team if they persisted in using noisemakers. Casebook play 1.18 details the procedure to use.
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