Originally posted by coachr
As an assistant coach, I have the opportunity to observe alot of things. This respect issue is unique and very interesting. Coaches and Referees both have to earn respect but at the same time are due the same due solely to the position they hold. I respect our Head Coach for the way he deals with the officiating crew. The other night we were down badly (something we are not used to) and resorted to fouling to stop the clock. One of our kids grabbed a player from behind and was given an intentional foul. Coach walked in the direction of the offical and said, "that was the right call". You may say so what. Well, later we talked and he said what he wanted to say was that he had made the correct call but just two nights earlier an official in the same orgnization had done otherwise. We were up by a healthy amount and one of the opposition grabbed our player from behind with both arms around the waist. Coach asked if that wasn't an intentional foul. The referee replied, "Coach, we're not going to call that". Out of respect for the job the official at the first mentioned game was doing, our coach didn't vent his feelings about the earlier lack of fortitude.
A week earlier, we had an offical run by the bench toward the end of a hard fought game (we were the visitor) and tell the coach it had been a pleasure working with us. I think that is a sign that the official had been respected and showed the same for the coach.
We may not know it, but the athletes are seeing this and it has an impact on the type of people they will become.
You seem like an assistant coach that is the real deal.
Thanks for sharing your observations.
I talk to assistant coaches. 