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Old Fri Feb 06, 2004, 09:28am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by mick
In another thread, BigGref wrote: "Also wondered if anyone has changed a 2 to a 3. I don't see it happening but if T has a foot on the line in a gray area of coverage and I see wood b/t shoes and line, we got a situation."

That reminded me of the following.

T'other night, I had a free-throw shooter whose shoe (resting on the floor) was not touching the line, but was curved above the plane of the FT line, and penetrating the plane of the line by 3/4".

I didn't call a violation, ... but a fan did.

By rule, yes, it's a violation.

Would I call it. Not likely (maybe if I really didn't like the team and it was my last game anyway! --Note to BBCoach -- that was a joke; please don't disrespect me for making that comment). I'm hard-pressed to see how it affects either the shot or the rebound.

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