Throwing a similar scenario back at you, what if he intercepts a pass, pushes the ball to the floor then when the ball comes back up he pushes the ball to the floor again, then picks it up with both hands and starts to dribble? Would you not call double dribble? What's the difference between your scenario and that one? [/B]
I guess I would have to see the play. If in my judgement, it appears he is attempting to gain control by a Bat, Push, then I might not call a double dribble. I guess the bottom line, is it absolutely has to be clear to the 30th row it was control. I will error on the side of no control. I don't think "push" is necessarily control. At what point does it go from a bat to a push. Rebound, player Bat/Pushes the ball away form the goal, goes to BC ( which you guys already said to go 50 feet, must be control) teammate gets it, beep. violation?