The CR is allowwed for whoever played the F1 or F2 position in the previous half-inning as long as that player became a base runner on their own and not as a pinch runner. The same would apply to a Flex listed as F1 or F2 if they batted for the DP in the first inning and became a base runner on their own. The original rule was clarified about the CR being for the player who played the position and became a base runner on their own. I don't see why there is any problem with interpretation or why the above deceptions are not obvious.
As long as CR rules came up, remember the CR is running for the position and not the player.
For example, #10 is pitching, #15 is catching and #33 is used as a CR for the catcher.
If #20 replaces #15 as catcher, #33 can still be the CR for #15 as catcher; but not #15 if playing another position.
Even if #10 and #15 swap positions, #33 can still be CR for #10 as catcher, but not for #15 as pitcher or any other position.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.