Originally posted by FUBLUE
DP gets a hit. Let's just say that DP isn't "fleet of foot" and has to smack the wall with the ball to make it to first base. He then puts F1 (whom DP is batting for) in for DP (a substitution?).
What I call a "half substitution." DP has left the game, but Flex's status is unaffected (i.e. it is not a reentry since she was already in the game). Lineup goes from 10 to 9.
Originally posted by FUBLUE
One pitch is thrown. Coach calls time, goes to umpire and says, "I'd like a courtesy runner for my pitcher." He agrees. Partner said nothing about it to the plate umpire (I was spectating).
Should not have been allowed.
Originally posted by FUBLUE
Coach does it again in the game.
At this point, the starting DP is done for the game. She has used her re-entry to bat again, and she has left the game again. She sits out the remainder. And, like the first time, the CR should not have been allowed.