Originally posted by Dutch Alex
"The way I see it, if you are the umpire on duty at the time, along with both coaches, you set the groundrules..."
I agree with Skahtboi; That's the way we (in Holland) set the groundrules. Always with a little help from the hometeam. But WE SET THE GROUNDRULES, hometeam can learn from that and pass it on (for the next games)...
Agree. If the field has "normal" deviations (e.g. no fencing, etc.) I will state how I will handle DBT, etc. If the field has unusual deviations (one example: park shared use, including the outfield being used as a soccer field with a goal in the outfield about where a fence should be), I'll ask the home team how they usually play it, and then I decide if I agree. But, I decide.
What I never understood is; why make a softballfield, that's not conform the rules?
I mean: have you ever played chess on a board with 49 fields (7 x 7) i.s.o. 64 (8 x 8)???
No, but I have played solitare with a deck of 51 cards.