Thread: Captains
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Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 03:19pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
How many of you make an effort to remember who the floor captains are during your games? If you do, how do you remember? Just curious. I've been making the effort this season; although haven't really needed to. Do you have a "trick" for keeping them straight?
I remember them at least through the jump, since the referee is required to notify both captains that the jump ball is about to occur. After that, I can get it from the book if I need it, since I mark the captains with a "C" when I'm checking the book.

Last night I got to do this three times in my game. I had to verify with the book between regulation and the first overtime who the captains were -- I had the numbers, but couldn't remember which team was 14 and which was 44.
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