I wear an All Star Kevlar Helmet and have since they first came out. There is no trouble with wearing a hat although I wear a four stitch and it took some practice at first to keep it on. I have been using it for probably four or so years and would not go back. I have been hit on ocassion right on the bean and with the design on the front it deflects off to the side and keeps me from taking the blunt of the blow and no more having to turn the mask back around from the back of my head when it hits the ear protecter. They are a little spendy but what is a few dollars when safety is concerned. They especially work well when working with a clam shell back stop and the ball comes straight back down at you. I also take it off every time that we are supposed to and it goes back on just as easy as a face mask. If you have not tried one you should just to see how much better you can see out of them.