Thread: New ASA Book!
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Old Tue Feb 03, 2004, 03:59pm
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Maybe you need to join us over at I, too, am a big fan of real ale, that is, those brewed in the UK. However, I like those brewed by Fullers and Young (The Rams Head Brewery in Wandsworth), and I am also quite partial to Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter. However, my taste in adult beverages is very wide in range indeed, as I also like those from the lager family. (Which include bocks and doppelbocks.)

You ever had a Fuller's ESB, or 1845? How about a Young's Oatmeal Stout, one of the most drinkable beverages on the planet? Then of course, there is Young's Double Chocolate Stout, the adult equivalent to chocolate milk. (Or as one friend once said, dessert in a bottle.)

Anyway...I digress...what about that "T?"

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