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Old Sun Feb 01, 2004, 02:17pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by sout bay 101
Team A is up 1 w/ 6 seconds left and on defense. Team B goes the length of the floor and misses a lay-up. Team A secures the rebound successfully as time runs out - rebounder is surrounded by two players from Team B in attempts to foul. The buzzer goes off. Game over. Team A wins. The official closest to the action claims there is a foul around .2, and did raise his arm and blow his whistle, but the buzzer goes off. Team A knows they have won, and Team B realizes they have lost. After too much deliberation, the officials choose to put .4 up on the clock. No fould is ever reported in the ensuing 4 minutes of debate over time. Team A's player who rebounded the miss believes he is shooting to seal the game that has already been won (the buzzer goes off as Team A secures the rebound). However, after 4 minutes of delay, the official who blew the whistle puts a player from Team B on the line and claims Team A fouled (the player indicated is 30 feet away - visible on the film). Team B makes two free throws and wins by one. This is a protested game - and clearly visible on film is the time expiring at Team A secures the missed shot and is up by one point. The game at that point is over and all three officials admit error. Team A won the game and the game should be overturned.
Is there a question?

If the organization sanctioning the game allows protests, it will be heard. If they don't, well, it's a mistake, but the sun will still rise in the east tomorrow.
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