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Old Sun Feb 01, 2004, 09:57am
golfdesigner golfdesigner is offline
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When is it a T rather than an Intentional

I too, saw that game, channel surfing, also saw the first scuffle, just defensive pressure in front of GT bench--Duke player pressured falls backward touches OOB..Whistle..GT player attempts to wrestle ball from Duke..action clearly after the whistle..GT player jumps from bench and gets a shove in..officials take time necessary to sort it out..go to monitor..commentators say should just get back to action..I'm talking to TV entire time saying GT off bench he's gone..that one is no brainer..should be a couple more T's for un-necessary action after first whistle..
I was glad to see officials get it right..commentators as happens frequently..need to have somebody there to help them with rules of game..and one of the commentators was a former B-Ball player, D1 I think..

So much for the rambling..the second incident, I just don't know why the change from a T to spite of all the replays the attempted kick appeared to take place many seconds before the center official came running in with T. I couldn't tell what was going on between the attempted kick, which was pretty obvious, and the time the whistle came and the T was signaled, so I would like to see comments from y'all regarding why go to monitor, and why change from T to intentional?
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