Due process will certainly occur after the fact. As of now, nobody has had any action taken against them that cannot be undone. If the ref didn't get paid, he can get paid if he is found to be in the right. If the opposition was harmed by suspending the game (which I doubt since the home team had a sizable lead), the home team could be forced to forfeit if they are found to have acted in error. And the ref can still sue anybody he wants if he feels he was harmed by publicity surrounding this incident. So I do not believe that due process has been denied.
Game management had to make a decision and did. jrut, what you are suggesting occurred did not by any account here. If the AD didn't like the calls and so removed the ref, I am sure that follow-up review would handle this situation differently than one in which the ref popped off at the crowd. And even in this case, a review of events may find that the ref is not in the wrong. But game management felt they needed to act and did - they will be accountable for their actions.
But in an HS contest, if the ref displays unacceptable conduct, somebody has to be able to step in and remove him. This is obviously not the run of the mill situation, but I have no issue with this occurring here.