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Old Wed Jan 28, 2004, 04:37pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Join Date: Aug 1999
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Posts: 12,263
This is a call that the lead can make. During transition, the midcourt line belongs first to the lead then the trail as the play moves up court.

I, just Saturday night, made a backcourt violation call as lead. Full court press. Player have court really stretched out. Partner has 2 on 2 deep in the backcourt and he's between the FT line and the endline. I'm even wiht FT line in the FC covering the 6 players down there. A1 passes the ball up to A3 who is running back to help. A3 jumps from the FC catches the ball in the air and lands in the backcourt. I delayed and when no whistle came from my partner, I made the call. Since he was covering on ball, he didn't get a good look at where A3 left the floor but I did since I was covering off ball.
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