Originally posted by gsf23
That was what I was thinking. The batter is right on the edge of the box...not ver the plate and in the very back of the box. Never seen it in softball, but saw it once in a baseball game with a knuckleball.
Don't have a rule book with me, but how is the rule worded. Does it say ANY pitched ball not swung at that hits a batter or any pitched ball not swung at that is ruled a ball, that hits a batter.
Can anyone here tell me please. Thanks
It would not be a "ball", but a HBP.
Rule 8.1.F in ASA's 2003 book covers the situation raised in this thread.
F. (Fast Pitch Only) When a pitched ball not swung at nor called a strike touches any part of the batter's person or clothing. It does not matter if the ball strikes the ground before hitting the batter. The batter's hands are not to be considered part of the bat.
1. The ball is dead. The batter is entitled to one base withouth liability to be put out.
EXCEPTION: If no attempt is made to avoid being hit, the batter will not be awarded first base unless it is ball four.
2. If the batter is hit anywhere on the body, including the hands while swiging at a pitch, the ball is dead and a strike called. If it is strike three, the batter is out.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.