Originally posted by Camron Rust
This biggest issue I have with trail calling OOB above the FT line is that trail can't see the line!
Sure, it works fine for ball that are thrown out, but for stepping out, only the lead can have a good look at that. I've had partners, on more than one occassion, try to make that call as trail and get it grossly wrong.
The best way to see any line is to look along the line.
You hit the nail on the head.
I don't have a big problem with this -- I follow my competitive matchup, but realize I may have to use peripheral vision and awareness on the ball going out. And since we're boxing the players in, I'm sliding out on the baseline when the ball is moving towards that line -- so the player stepping out over there is mine since I'm right on the line.
The best way to avoid this is to have three officials (but then the center will have to help on those ones on the baseline that shoot out when L is off ball). Hey, I got an idea -- how about everyone just watch the ball?!?