Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Mregor
If the situation was as you described and not a scoring attempt, I'd let the period expire without a call.
The situation descibed was "a pretty good wack" on a dribbler during the first quarter. Are you going to ignore the exact same "pretty good wack" on all dribblers for the rest of that game?
Consistency, guys! We set the pattern of how much contact that we are gonna allow.Once we set it, we shouldn't change it. That just confuses ballplayers and coaches.
JR, He said that he blew his whistle and the horn went off at exactly the same time. My point was that he should be aware of the game situation and if he is going to put air in his whistle for the foul, he should call it. You need to decide before you blow your whistle if it is a foul or not. As for me, I'm counting down in my head, and if the contact is that close to the buzzer and the play is in the backcourt, yes I'm going to ignore any minor contact.