Hey DJ, this aint semantics this is how the fed wants the blood rule managed. Nothing about your prior experience is going to change that. Chuck is right.
FWIW the ncaa takes this completely out of our hands, they want a bloodied uniform to be looked at by medical personel who will determine if the uniform is OK or needs to be replaced.
FWIW2 Chuck is the *last* person I think of when I think of arrogant people. Not sure I can say that about someone who lists his officiating resume to defend his position. (Notice I'm trying to keep this civil by not telling you to stop big-timing us.)
Edit - oops, I see JR used the dreaded "big-time" phrase already as I was pressing submit. Don't take my comment as a swipe at JR.
[Edited by Dan_ref on Jan 23rd, 2004 at 09:51 AM]